Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Writing a short story is an emotional roller coaster.
Some days I would try and write and the story would not come to me. Other days, I could write three pages easily. It all depends on the mood I am in. The hardest part of writing the short story was the beginning. Starting the story sets the whole mood. When I read a book, If I do not like it in the first two chapters, I'm done, so starting the story was key. It is also hard to include a lot of detail.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

I have stumbled upon a new obsession. It comes in the form of a website.

It's a really cool website that posts items that people find on the ground. I check it almost every day now. It shows the thing found, and who found it and in what situation. I love it because some of the items are so random and funny. If my day is bad, I know I can count on at least one thing to make me happy.

These two made me laugh. A lot.

Hey everyone, pray for a snow day for next week. Please?

Monday, December 1, 2008

This picture makes me laugh and cry happy tears.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

So is another 5th period. I am sitting here in Computer Graphics with all my work done and nothing to do. Tripper isn't much help to my boredom because sometimes he is slow and has a lot of work to do. Whats better to do than blog! Today is the last day before Thanksgiving break. I am very excited about the fact that the turkey and cranberry sauce goodness will soon be in my mouth. Who wouldn't be excited about that?? Although I was just informed last night that we will not be going anywhere "cool" for Thanksgiving, I don't care that much. As long as there is food in my belly and football on T.V. I am all good. So Happy Thanksgiving! Eat till you barf.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

So, let's be real here. Did you really think Michigan was going to win?

Really? I quite enjoyed watching The Ohio State University crush Michigan. It was fun for me. The only thing I did not like, was Friday seeing all the poser Ohio State fans at school. I am not saying that I am a true "hard core" Ohio State fan, but I do know about football, and I do know players on the team. All these points combined with the fact that I am going to that school next year allows me to rightfully cheer on Ohio State to victory. There were many people at school Friday with their spirit of scarlet and gray on. I liked seeing the halls filled with these colors, but, I did not like seeing some of the people getting decked out and being passionate about the game, when they do not know anything.

I saw many people wearing Ohio State gear that most likely, do not even know what a first down means. Or, when someone has on the jersey with a the number 28 on it, and you ask them if they know who it is... then they laugh stupidly and say no, when clearly the jersey belongs to the great Chris "Beanie" Wells. This frustrates me and many other people that I know.

Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with people supporting Ohio State's football team to victory, I actually encourage it. It's just, know your facts before you support your team.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

It is better to try and fail then not try at all.

This saying has significant meaning in my life, and I am sure yours too. Overcoming obstacles is a large part in any person's life. You can face these obstacles with one of two attitudes; either attempting to overcome the hardship, possibly fail, but, possibly be greatly rewarded, or turning away in defeat, before you even give it the slightest bit of effort. At the end of the day, wouldn't you feel better knowing you at least tried to overcome this obstacle? I know I would.

This relates to yours and my daily life. Maybe you have a test in math the next day at school. You open your book to study and all you see are crazy numbers and equations. The average "high schooler" would just say, "dang I am not ever going to be able to do this" and then close the book and walk away. But, if your character is strong enough, and you are not scared of trying, you will open that book and try your hardest to understand those math problems. Even if you get an F on the test, you tried. That would make me feel better about the whole situation (I hate math).

The saying relates to my effort in sports as well. I may be trying to learn a new skill in gymnastics, and it is so hard that I can not get it right away. Although this is very frustrating, I try over and over again to get the skill. Even if I never get it at all, there is always that chance to get that skill and be rewarded for my efforts.

So if you try and fail, don't worry. There is always the next obstacle down the road to overcome, I can promise you that.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Willow tree standing.
Droopy, sad, leaves hanging off.
Sit under its shade.